Thursday, May 27, 2010

Colorless Work

As previously threatened, I am going to continue to abuse the work topic.

The office environment is Modern Cubicle with little to recommend it as a place to labor for 2/3 of the day. Mine is on the third floor of the building. There is an elevator that works just fine, but I typically eschew that in favor of the stairs. The reason is this: this entire complex is relatively tiny and you don’t have to wander far to get to anything on it, so I opt for the meager added exercise of climbing stairs just to get a bit more mileage.

From my lofty perch I can gaze out the window and marvel at the monochrome world visible to me. If you look very closely at the picture included here you may still not see it, but I can see the tops of one of the crossed swords arches between the apartment buildings that separate this complex from that park.

It’s not much and it is hardly awe-inspiring. I'm beginning to pick up more on things I miss and high on the list is color. Everything here, from buildings to sidewalks to open areas, vehicles, and sometimes even the sky is what Crayola might term Earthy Dust.
Not only is it relentlessly drab, but the dust itself covers every surface and worms its way into any opening, even accumulating over time indoors if due diligence is not given to cleaning.

I keep the electronic picture thingy going all the time when I'm not in bed and this color contrast just jumped out at me yesterday. Every outdoor picture from back in the Real World is a relative riot of colors -- grass, sky, buildings -- that is almost incomprehensible here. And I'm horrifically color blind!

An assault on the senses! Just another war story to tell someday, I guess. There I was, surrounded by neutral but flat earth tones...feeling blue but seeing red and not about to turn yellow in the face of the True Grit horde.

I digress, but I also very tired. Enough for now.

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